Registered Architect – OASRS (PT)
Degree in architecture, FAUTL 2007
Expert Certificate Real Estate Valuator CMVM, ESAI 2013
JS-ARCHITECTURE 2016 reinvention!
The Entrepreneur Year.
João Santiago’s services have been keen to help Firms, Developers and Entrepreneurs to give life to their dreams buildings, being private houses, business offices, hospitality, facilities, assets, in all sorts of pure design that enhanced the businesses of clients in the 4 corners of Earth.
Childhood in Africa, a rich traveling background, multi-sectors know-how and solid work experience within very different cultures are João’s attributes in the basis of the 2015 reinvention. Consolidating a long process that goes all the way back to the starting of his career.
As a year-out student, João took the acute decision to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and associate his improving architectural skills to the post-war reconstruction effort, the most thankful experience. The time in Bosnia opened the perspectives for a career abroad. When he finished the university degree, he took a short time internship in the Netherlands before flying for a 2 years deep trip to Asia.
Based in Hong Kong João could travel around South East Pacific Region and had the chance to learn more of cultures so much different of his Latin background. The first 6 months were instrumental for João to gain technical skills while being part of the Kiev Sky Towers 45 storeys multi-disciplinary coordination team. Later, working for Aedas Architects João was exposed to projects all over Central Asia. At his 26, he had the privilege to be one of the youngest ever to assume the Project Architect role, assigned to several Residential Developments and Hotels in India, most of those ordered by the well-known group Tata. Still in Asia, he had a short time association to Transport infra-structures, being part of the design team of the Hong Kong MTR west island lines expansion.
Later, in 2009 a new challenge, the foundation of JS-Architecture in Lisbon. In the beginning very associated to Houses Expansions, Renovations and Construction consultancy related services in Lisbon, soon João could associate his technical skills to Clinics and small Hospitals in Portugal but the call for international projects has been always in the air and waiting for the right moment. In 2013, aHouse in Florida was a milestone to get back to International Projects, encouraging the International services marketing in the search for other projects.
2014 brought back Healthcare services, now in the International scenario. The A-standard 240 bedsUyo Specialists Hospital (Nigeria), assisting the Construction Manager was a high jump in technical knowledge of Healthcare infrastructures, a keen opportunity to learn! Later, the facilities in Trinidad,for which João added his main skill – a cutting edge plastics building Design flavor, here associated to the highest standards of Healthcare Guidelines. In the end of the year, planning the Banda Aceh province medical plan, the doors were opened for the coming projects.
This year, developers and entrepreneurs worldwide relied their projects to JS-ARCHITECTURE services. In January was kicked-off the Fritschen Vineyard farm house, cellar and B&B, a Tuscan style compound designed to attract visitors and wine connoisseurs for his unique Southern European flavour in California. In March, a Chinese Investment Group ordered the Design and construction assessment of REMAX-INVESTMENT real estate office in Lisbon. July, an entrepreneur based in Dubai asked for his private house at his hometown in Kochi (South India), the CASA KARUNA – COCHIM. In September was time for DX Platforms from Perth (Australia) to ask for design help for the business expansion, to be released soon, the Data Centres morphology DESIGN. In the present month, an entrepreneur and business partner from Castelo Branco region (Portugal) ordered a 4 storeys building in Alcains region (to be released).
A high sense of respect and hard-work to understand clients needs, requests and the cultural background. The ability to create valid critical mass within a methodological process that pursuits to deliver always the best services, is the basis of JS-ARCHITECTURE services provided worldwide!
Design Solutions
• Pre-construction surveys
• Dilapidation reports
• Construction Site Supervision
• Construction site following - architectural scope
• Building and apartments surveys
Site Solutions
• Pre-construction surveys
• Dilapidation reports
• Construction Site Supervision
• Construction site following - architectural scope
• Building and apartments surveys
Healthcare Projects
• Precise Design Concepts
• Hospital Planning and room scheduling
• Preliminary / Schematic / Approval / Detail / Construction Documents
Real Estate Consulting
• Appraisal / Building and apartment valuation
• Property valuation
• Real estate Investment analysis
• Real estate photography
• New building 3d previews
I hired fellow-architect Joao to assist me in visualising sun control options as part of the upgrading of this first floor apartment. His advice and assistance were invaluable in enabling me to develop preferred options to take forward with the Client.
We will be collaborating in future projects, particularly in tropical locations. I intend to entrust Joao with primary design responsibility.
I have worked with Joao on a three building project in Sonoma County California. In our year long association, I found Joao exceptionally easy to work. He is creative, detail oriented and can achieve a client’s design objectives/interests. Additionally, he is responsive to phone, Skype and e-mail contacts and has shown the ability to meet tight deadlines as required. On a personal level he a fun and energetic fellow. Anyone looking for a full service architect or just someone to add creative touches to their project should contact Joao.
João has been my architect in several projects over the years. João has been responsible for my buildings design, detail, approval and sometimes the construction management.
A young man with a promising career ahead!
João Santiago é determinado e pró-ativo, procurando sempre as melhores soluções para, de acordo com os interesses dos seus clientes, ultrapassar os desafios que lhe são colocados.
O João é um excelente profissional de arquitetura com o qual tenho tido o prazer de trabalhar.